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Copyright (c) 2024 Osipov S.K., Rogalev A.N., Zlyvko O.V., Chechetkin D.A., Oparin M.V.

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Development of a digital twin of the capstone C30 micro gas turbine unit
Osipov S.K.
Department of Innovative Technologies for High-Tech Industries, National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Moscow,111250, Russia
Rogalev A.N.
Department of Innovative Technologies for High-Tech Industries, National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Moscow,111250, Russia
Zlyvko O.V.
Department of Innovative Technologies for High-Tech Industries, National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Moscow,111250, Russia
Chechetkin D.A.
Department of Innovative Technologies for High-Tech Industries, National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Moscow,111250, Russia
Oparin M.V.
Department of Innovative Technologies for High-Tech Industries, National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Moscow,111250, Russia
This article presents the results of developing a mathematical model of the Capstone C30 micro-GTU in SimInTech, on the basis of which a digital twin was developed. It allows obtaining the values of the supplied electric power, turbine rotor speed, fuel pressure after the booster compressor, gas temperature after the turbine and exhaust gas temperature from sensors installed on the micro-GTU. These values are compared with the parameters calculated in the mathematical model and displayed to the operator for further analysis. The paper presents the structure of the digital twin of the Capstone C30 micro-GTU.
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