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Copyright (c) 2024 S. Osipov, I. Komarov, P. Golosova, A. N Rogalev, M. M Shaikh

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Numerical simulation and analysis of combustion chamber model design to investigate the effects of number of inlet and concentration of oxidizer mixture on combustion characteristics
S. Osipov
Department of Innovative Technologies for High-Tech Industries, National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Moscow,111250, Russia
I. Komarov
Department of Innovative Technologies for High-Tech Industries, National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Moscow,111250, Russia
Golosova, A. N Rogalev
Department of Innovative Technologies for High-Tech Industries, National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Moscow,111250, Russia
M. M Shaikh
Department of Innovative Technologies for High-Tech Industries, National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Moscow,111250, Russia
In this research it is found that number of inlets had a significant impact on combustion characteristics specifically emission of CO and unburned hydrocarbons. After the selection of number of inlets MILD investigation had been done on the effect of concentration (γ) of CO2/O2 on the combustion characteristics. It is found that by increasing the number of inlets decrease the emission level and unburned hydro carbon in outlets. For concentration of oxidizer, we find a value between 0.80-0.85 will be efficient for combustion due to minimum emission levels and unburned hydrocarbons. The research has been carried out in Ansys CFD fluent-> Energico 18.2-> Chemkin->. The model for reaction solves in energico and chemkin to generate results for unburned hydrocarbons and emission of CO.
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