Applied Chemical Engineering

Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery

Submission deadline: 2023-12-31
Special Issue Editors

Special Issue Information

Recently, extraordinary advances in advanced drug delivery systems have paved the way for providing a more selective, easier, more accurate, and more controllable drug delivery rather than traditional methods. To achieve a drug delivery system with enhanced permeability, targeted delivery, controllability, and reduced toxicity, many approaches have been developed. Among them, nanomaterials are of particular interest and have been extensively researched for developing a new generation of drug delivery systems.

Nanomaterials (small-sized materials with at least one dimension in the range of 1–100 nm) possess many superior physical, optical, electrical, and biological properties that are suitable for a wide range of applications including drug delivery. This Special issue of Applied Chemical Engineering focuses on but is not limited to the following topics:

· Preparation, characterization, and application of all nanomaterials in drug delivery systems

· Challenges, toxicity, and hazards of nanomaterials used in drug delivery systems

· The opportunities and challenges of nanomedicines in drug delivery from synthetic/natural sources to their clinical applications

· Modeling of nanomaterials and/or mesoscopic effects

· Investigation of delivery and release mechanisms

Planned Papers


nanomaterials; drug delivery systems; synthesis; characterization; drug-loaded nanomaterials

Published Paper
