CO2 Capture and Utilization
Special Issue Information
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a "greenhouse gas" because of its ability to trap solar radiation and keep it confined to the atmosphere, leading to global temperature rise and consequently global climate change, which is one of the major challenges of our time, due to its catastrophic impacts on humans and the environment. To mitigate the effects of CO2 on global climate change, several initiatives have been taken to address emission reductions, including the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Brazil, the 1997 Kyoto Protocol in Japan, the 2009 Copenhagen Accord, signed in Denmark, and the 2015 Paris Agreement, which was a milestone global pact adopted by nearly every country in the world. Its aim is to cap the global temperature rise during this century to a maximum of 2 oC, or more precisely to 1.5 oC (2.7 oF), above the pre-industrial temperature level.
The prime focus of this special issue is on CO2 capture and utilization. There are several processes for CO2 capture from a point source, including pre-combustion, post-combustion and oxy-combustion technologies, which have been widely investigated by the academic community and industry from fundamentals to more advanced innovations and applications. There are also increasing potential developments in the direct air capture (DAC) processes, which aim at the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere. Recent advances in CO2 capture are leading to the development of more robust processes, including CO2 absorption and adsorption, solvents and sorbents regeneration, membrane and cryogenic separations, and CO2 preparation for subsequent utilization or sequestration.
The CO2 captured can be converted to mineral carbonates or used in food processing, beverages, and urea, or in the production of diethyl carbonate, which can serve as a fuel additive or solvent for lithium batteries. CO2 can also be processed to produce high-value chemicals, such as potassium or sodium bicarbonate nanomaterials or fuels, including methane, methanol, gasoline, and jet fuels. These could be achieved through thermo-catalytic, photo-catalytic, or electro-catalytic CO2 conversions. Due to the very stable activity of the CO2, however, these processes are energy intensive, leading to high capital and operating expenditures. Nonetheless, the energy required could be partially or completely produced via green sources, such as solar, wind, or green hydrogen, which could be a sustainable solution for the CO2 conversion.
This special issue will cover different topics on CO2 capture and utilization. Potential topics include, but not limited to the following:
• Chemical CO2 capture.
• Physical CO2 capture.
• New advances in CO2 capture
• Use of renewables in CO2 capture.
• Techno-economic Analysis (TEA) of the CO2 capture.
• Life-Cycle Analysis (LCA) of the CO2 capture.
• Thermo-catalytic CO2 conversion
• Photo-catalytic CO2 conversion
• Electro-catalytic CO2 conversion
• New advances in CO2 conversion.
• Use of renewables in CO2 conversion.