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Copyright (c) 2024 S.K Osipov, V.P Sokolov, I.A Milyukov, M.M Shaikh , A.N Bukanov

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Numerical study of the influence of flow control methods on the efficiency of a micro-gas turbine
S.K Osipov
Department of Innovative Technologies for High-Tech Industries, National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Moscow, 111250, Russia
V.P Sokolov
Department of Innovative Technologies for High-Tech Industries, National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Moscow, 111250, Russia
I.A Milyukov
Department of Innovative Technologies for High-Tech Industries, National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Moscow, 111250, Russia
M.M Shaikh
Department of Innovative Technologies for High-Tech Industries, National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Moscow, 111250, Russia
A.N Bukanov
Department of Innovative Technologies for High-Tech Industries, National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Moscow, 111250, Russia
This paper presents innovative solutions to enhance the aerodynamic performance of the radial turbine and the efficiency of the Capstone C30 micro-gas turbine unit (micro-GTU) through the integration of a cycle air cooling system and advanced flow control mechanisms. The study investigates various flow control methods within the blade channels of the radial turbine, including splitters, triangular root fins, and inter-tier partitions. The results show that using splitters with a relative length of 0.7 increases internal relative efficiency from 80.9% to 81.75%, implementing triangular root fins enhances efficiency from 80.9% to 81.44%, and adding an inter-tier partition improves internal relative efficiency from 80.9% to 81.7%. A finned turbine configuration with splitters of relative length 0.7 achieves the highest internal relative efficiency of 82.2%. These advancements contribute to improved turbine performance and efficiency, addressing the need for enhanced domestic energy solutions in the context of distributed energy generation in Russia.
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